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Church of the Living God, Inc.
National Officers 2017-2020
Administrative Staff
Secretary - Sister Ann Jewett
Asst. Secretary - Elder Shirley Williams
Financial Sec. - Sister Gwen Bembry
Treasurer - Elder Ralph Vanlow

Bishop Lillian Ward - Liaison
Bishop's Wives & Widows Council
Chairperson - Elder Candy Pompey
Assistant - Elder Jeanne Ransey
Treasurer - Deacon Curtis Hopkins

Mother's Board
General Mother - Rev. Mary Brown
Assistant - Mother Edna Burrows
Assistant - Mother Jesse Thomas

Bishop Naomi Barber - Liaison
Department of Missions
Home Missions
President - Sis. Ruby Cummings
Vice Pres. - Sis. Dorothy Thompson
Secretary - Vacant

Evangelistic Board
President - Evangelist Tanya Davis-Mitchell
Vice Pres. - Elder Melvin Pinson

Benevolent Society
President - Evangelist Fredericka Gill
Vice Pres. - Missionary Tonnie  Gray

National Foreign Missions
President - Elder Dr. Frances Bultron
Vice Pres. - Rev. Kimetha Morris
Secretary - Missionary Marilyn Davis
Financial Sec. - Bishop Kathy Hughes
Treasurer - Elder R. Vanlow

Constitution/Credentials Comm.
Chairperson - Bishop Jesse J. White, Sr.
Secretary - Elder Ruth Dennison

CLG Church Historian
Elder Ruth Dennison

Rev. Dr. Geraldine Crystal - Director
Chaplaincy Board
Bishop Jesse White
Bishop Ivy A. Hopkins
Bishop Preston Raper
Bishop L. Delores Ward
Bishop Bertha Jones
Elder Jamaludeen Husain
Bishop Martin L. Johnson
(Guest Chaplain)

Chaplaincy Members
Elder Barbara Jones
Elder Frances Smith
Elder Teresa Fitzgerald
Elder Jacqui Dunlap
Rev. Joy Blake
Elder Orlando Pannell
Bishop Bertha Jones - Liaison
Department of Christian Education
Director - Rev. Dr. Geraldine Crystal

Sunday School
Superintendent - Elder Edward Frazier
Assistant - Elder Leroy Grant
Secretary - Sister Carrie Wright

Holy Young Peoples' Bible Class
President - Elder Dr. Joyce Thomas
Vice Pres. - Elder Maxine Brown
Secretary - Elder Belinda Cohen

National Youth Congress
President - Elder Orlando Pannell
Vice Pres. - Rev. Calvin Brown
Secretary - Sis. Kelsey Holland
Financial Sec. - Sis. Andrea Thomas
Treasurer - Rev. Nathaniel Brown

Bishop Barbara Farmer - Liaison
Music Department
Minister of Music - Min. Margaret Estelle
Asst. Minister of Music - Rev. Dr. Brunilda Hopkins
Secretary - Sis. Vanesia Wilkins
Treasurer - Trustee Billy Brown

National Assistants
Min. Benita Farmer - NJ
Min. Jerel Jones - GA

National Musicians
Latrice Glenn - FL - Organist/Keyboard
Min. Katrina Holland - MS
Keith Womack - CT - Bass
Deaconess Adrian Womack - CT

Supportive Auxiliaries
President - Sister Reland Bentley
Vice Pres. - Bro. Jackie Bentley
Secretary - Sis.Antoinette Washington
Youth Pres. - Brother Alfrazo Pannell

National Adjutancy
Director - Elder Anthony Graham

Allied Health Unit
Director - Rev. Toni Hubbard
Assistant - Rev. Linda Scott

Bishop James Sherman - Liaison
General Editors, Publications & Media
Editor - Elder Barbara Jones
Editor - Sister Ann Jewett
Website Admin. - Elder Anthony Graham
Convention Coord. - Sis. Trinisa Williams-Ruiz
Convention Coord. Contact Info:
Phone: (773) 370-5118
Email Address: soulcheft@hotmail.com
Asst. Convention Coord. - Min. Jerel Jones